Monthly Archives: March 2019
Choice is Overrated – Designing Products That Know What You Want Before You Do
Kubernetes in the Cloud(s)
The Proxy Fairy and the Magic of Spring
Dealing with Kubesprawl – Tetris style!
Priority starts at the top
Product Managers constantly struggle to prioritize work for their teams because they have to deal with multiple competing features and tasks. Why is this struggle so prevalent? What can we do to our process so we don’t have such a hard time figuring out where our team needs to go? This talk discusses the reasons […]
Why We Need a more Ethical Web
Thinking in functions in C++
DevOps has multiple hats nowadays. In today session we will identify the main competencies that a DevOp shall have in 2020. For each competency, tools that can leverage our day to day activities will be presented from Azure or Microsoft ecosystem.