Author Archives: Andreea Tudorache
Monira Rhaimi
Oli Gibson
Entrepreneurial Talk: Software engineer marketing done right – career tips from my experience
Career Talk: From Developer to Development Manager
The more things change, the more they stay the same. At Coolblue, Pat has grown from a Developer, to a Team Lead, through to a Development Manager. Let him take you on his fun-filled journey, highlighting all the mistakes he has made, so that you too don’t have to struggle as much as he did.
Career Talk: How to train your junior, or how to train yourself
A company hires somebody as a junior developer. It is quite common, but not at all easy. The first goal for the junior to become someone who can help with the heavy lifting. It a hard job from the junior, and seniors of the team as well. Through the years we’ve learned a lot how […]