Author Archives: Andreea Tudorache

Java: Switching your way out of a switch

The main topic of my presentation is keeping things simple while coding and avoiding the danger that ‘circles’ around all developers – trying to write the code which does everything. From the point of view of the activity, we’re going to briefly discuss the morale around anti-patterns and attempt a short live coding session.

Java: Keeping up with Java

It seems like keeping up to date with Java nowadays is an enormous task. Gone is the era of big, delayed Java releases that span years. We’re now getting a new major release every 6 months. What’s up with that? Join this session to get an overview of what’s happening in Java since Java 8. Sander will […]

Agile & Testing

o To better understand how Testing fits into Agile, let’s look at what Agile is at it’s core. What are the reasons Agile was created in the first place, what it does different compared to other development methodologies and what its main benefits are. Testing plays a crucial role in the whole Agile development process. […]