Author Archives: Andreea Tudorache

Testing: Impact of culture in testing

Based on the international study of Hofstede, each nation has cultural-related particularities. Until we start working, the influence of different cultures is not very present in our lives. The most frequent current scenario is that either people work in an international company, have international colleagues or work with international stakeholders. When these different cultures come […]

Testing: Software Testing and Artificial Intelligence

In the past decade Artificial Intelligence has overcome decades old boundaries and new breakthroughs are made every day. A lot of industries, from fin-tech to pharma-tech, eCommerce and defense, have seen the benefits of Artificial Intelligence. A lot of products are using it and this makes our lives easier, safer and efficient. In this talk […]

Neural networks: insane in the membrane

Neural networks are one of the most dominant forms of AI algorithms being used today. They seem to be the right solution to a myriad of problems and are often considered to provide objective answers to a variety of complex questions, but why? A neural network can be tuned to cope with a wide range […]