Author Archives: Andreea Tudorache

Digital Transformation in Banking

Wouldn’t it be awesome to see how interactive applications are created? How do IT experts are one step ahead of everyone else? Digital Transformation in Banking has been one of the most important aspects BCR has focused on over the last years. With the help of our digital experts, we have created the most user […]

Emerging Tech: AI & Machine Learning at Google

Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. AI is helping us do that in exciting new ways, solving problems for our users, our customers, and the world. AI is making it easier for people to do things every day, whether it’s searching for photos of loved ones, […]

Digital Transformation – Why? How? What?

Digital Transformation – another buzzword around the globe, is it? Well, it is a trend of course, but, all of trends has some reason behind them. So, what Digital Transformation stands for? What is transformed? How the transformation is done? Why do we need to transform something? In this talk, we will answer these questions […]