Speakers’ thoughts on DevTalks 2016

12 April 2018 devTalks

Interview with Terrence Ryan – Developer Advocate at Google

1. What are the main business directions of your company?

I work for a Google Cloud Platform, and so I only work with a part of Google’s overall direction. But looking and just Google Cloud Platform, I see pretty interesting things going forward. Specifically our progression on adding new services that make really difficult IT and development tasks easy. We’ve learned a lot from our previous releases like App Engine, to build interesting services that are adoptable from a customer’s first try. BigQuery’s approach to making large datasets easier to query was the next iteration of tis types of thinking. We followed it up with services like Cloud Vision API which uses pre-made Machine Learning models to identify objects in images. All of these show a progression towards thinking less about the underlying infrastructure and more about actual results.

2.What are the most used technologies within your company’s activities?

Currently we heavily focused on containerization and machine learning. I will be talking about containerization and using the open source project Kubernetes to do so.

3. What are your thoughts and expectations regarding your participation at Dev Talks Bucharest 2016?

I very much enjoy the vibrant tech scene in Bucharest, and seeing how things look halfway around the world from my office in San Francisco. I hope to connect with local developers, see what is going on in your backyard, and see what I can learn from you.
