Martin Wolley – 30 years’ experience working in IT industry

31 May 2018 devTalks

Martin Woolley is a member of the SIG’s Developer Programs and Evangelism team and thoroughly enjoys talking with developers about software development and Bluetooth. See what Martin has to say about his experience and about his participation at DevTalks.

1. How is it to be a Technical Program Manager at Bluetooth SIG?

The Bluetooth SIG is the standards organization behind Bluetooth technology. I’m responsible for Developer Relations in the EMEA region which means it’s my job to inform, educate and perhaps occasionally *inspire* developers to create Bluetooth applications and products. The Bluetooth SIG is driven by a community of engineers from over 33,000 companies, each of which is a member of the SIG. I love the fact that engineering is the heart and soul of what we do and am continually inspired myself by the innovative uses of Bluetooth that I see. I’m a developer myself, and have worked on all sorts of platforms over the years so I like nothing better than a good technical conversation with like-minded and equally enthusiastic techies.

2.  You have 30 years’ experience working with computers. What do you like most about working in the IT industry?

Yep, over 30 years. Where did the time go? I think I’ve been lucky in my career. I got interested in the first place thanks to a teacher who brought a Commodore Pet into school. After we’d played a game and he’d shown us this stuff called “code”, I was hooked. I’ve never forgotten that teacher! Since then, the best thing about my career is the sheer variety of technologies and platforms I’ve worked with. The pace of change is challenging and exciting all at the same time. I’m not one of those people who thinks that high-tech automatically means good though. I am equally inspired by low-tech solutions to big problems and where new technology is concerned like to keep a critical, questioning mind and need convincing of the benefits before I get behind something.

3. You joined DevTalks also at the previous editions. What did you enjoy most about being part of it?

The best thing about the other two DevTalks events I’ve been involved with was without question, the attendees. Very engaged and both interested in what I had to say and interesting for me to talk with afterwards. There’s clearly some tremendous work going on in Romania which is one of the reasons the DevTalks series is such a good fit with my own goals.

